From Ancient Greek mythology comes the legend of Gaia, the Mother Earth.

Gaia played a significant role in Greek legend having given birth to the titans, the Cyclopes, monsters known as Hecatonchires, six sons and daughters, as well as, her husband.

Where did Gaia come from?

The Greeks believed she was born before all other things.

She came from the emptiness before creation began.

This is where she gets her title, Earth Mother.

A modern look at an ancient legend

While Gaia is an ancient legend steeped in lore, she has inspired our current thoughts about the world we live in.

In 1979, a researcher called James Lovelock wrote a publication titled, Gaia: A New look at life on Earth.

Gaia, Mother Earth and the Environment

Gaia, Mother Earth.

In it he surmised that the Earth was one big living organism.

It was complex, but self-regulating as various parts and creatures interact with conditions and other lifeforms.

These interactions rather than being opposing, work instead to bring a balance and cohesion to life on Earth.

He stated:

“The entire range of living matter on Earth, from whales to viruses, and from oaks to algae, could be regarded as constituting a single living entity, capable of manipulating the Earth’s atmosphere to suit its overall needs and endowed with faculties and powers far beyond those of its constituent parts.”

Gaia today

Today we understand more fully the meaning of Gaia and what she represents.

She symbolizes the health of our planet and respect for the ecosystem.

We know that if we look after the planet, we are also keeping ourselves healthy too.

To honor Gaia, crystals and agates are best used.

Both come in a wide variety of colors, but all capture the positive energies of Mother Earth herself.

In particular, smoky quartz is a great way to show honor and respect to Gaia.