Chrysoprase is a stunning gemstone of rich emerald hues and soft pastel tones.

When set in a pair of handcrafted sterling silver earrings they will certainly add the ‘WOW’ factor to any outfit.

Chrysoprase is strongly associated with the heart chakra or the fourth chakra.

It helps own up the heart chakra to allow powerful energy to flow through it.

Subsequently, Chrysoprase helps us become kinder and generous.

It empowers the wearer to attain a greater and deeper understanding of love in all its forms.

It can help us in our daily lives to show more compassion and grace, particularly in troubling times.

Chrysoprase is the stone of understanding and grace

Chrysoprase: the stone of understanding and grace

Chrysoprase: the stone of balance

Chrysoprase brings a balanced understanding that we are all one. It does this by eliminating feelings of superiority and inferiority.

It can help soothe the terrible pain one feels after the loss of a loved one. Its calming and reassuring energies offer support and assurance that everything will be okay.

Chrysoprase has the power to break negative cycles which inhibit us and stop us becoming more Divine beings.

Chrysoprase: the stone of meditation

It encourages a flow of energy which begins deep within us and reaches outwards to all things we come into contact with.

It encourages hope in dire situations and this allows us to feel more joyful and relaxed.

It can also help clarify any issues we may have and help us to come to a just and concise decision.

If you choose to mediate with Chrysoprase you’ll find a stronger flow of Chi.

It will enhance your spiritual and mental well-being, and this will have the flow on effect of improving your physical health too; providing greater flow between the chakras.

When set in sterling silver jewelry, Chrysoprase gains even greater power as the two matching forces energise and empower the wearer.