How does phi ratio work in the creation of beautiful pieces of jewelry?

Phi Ratio at work in beautiful pieces of jewelry and nature.

You may not realize it but we are all attracted to the beautiful things. But do you know why they are beautiful?

Well, science has provided us with the answer.

It is called the Phi Ratio or the Golden Ratio, or Golden Rule.

Mother Nature has been creating naturally beautiful things for our eyes for millions of years. She has done this by using a very strict mathematical equation. This is 1:1.618

Where can I see the Phi Ratio at work?

This ratio can be seen in ammonite fossil shells, the patterns of flower petals, leaves; in the ratio of a pretty face and even in man-made creations like the Egyptian pyramids and the Greek colosseum.

It is what Leonardo da Vinci called the ‘Divine Proportions’ and relates to the much-loved illustration, “Vitruvian Man”.

This ratio is even used to judge the best size for books, televisions screens and even cars.

Whether we like it or not, we are hardwired to be more attracted to things which have the Phi Ratio.

How can you the benefits of the Phi Ratio be used in handcrafted jewelry?

The piece shown here is called The Guardian. It brings together the power of the four directions of the medicine wheel and the Phi Ratio.

In its center is an Ammonite fossil. From this we can draw the power of thousands of years of the Earth’s history. Its spiraling center reminds us of energy of the Prana, the life force of the chakras.

On either side are the four medicine wheels, themselves separated into quarters by beautifully crafted twisted silver lines.

This is a powerful bracelet which can be worn by a man or a woman. It is crafted by hand from hand wrought silver and brings to the wearer spiritual prowess and strength fortified.