When it comes to understanding the power that lies in the symbols and gemstones you wear, there's more than meets the eye...

When it comes to understanding the power that lies in the symbols and gemstones you wear, there’s more than meets the eye…

Being a maker of Sacred Talismans and Spiritual Jewelry for over 16 years, the understanding of what energies and healing properties the gemstones and symbols I incorporate in my custom jewelry work is an important aspect of what I do as an alchemist. The clients and admirers of my work who are curious about the metaphysical properties of gemstones will often ask me, “What are the energetic properties of…..”. Or, “Whats the story of this piece?”

Of course it’s tempting to have an encyclopedic book such as Love is in the Earth to refer to in order to answer their inquiries definitively. However, I have read through that book, and trust me, your brain starts to feel a bit mushy very quickly. It seems, as you read this type of voluminous book, that every stone does a little bit of everything and it leaves me wondering if the author didn’t just feel the need to fill up the pages.

Anyway, what’s much more interesting to me is relationships. What I’m referring to is how the imagery, the gems, the colors, the shapes and symbols all interact and play into the story or archetype the piece. And for me as an artist, the creative alchemical process is initially intuitive, and the story unfolds organically. I see how the symbology and energies all work beautifully together to create a powerful medicine bundle.

It’s the relationships between the elements that speak to me. Its the dynamic within the piece that tell the story. This alchemical way of interpreting the energy or story of a piece is so much more alive and relevant it seems. And it allows for a more fluid and personal interpretation for the owner of the piece as well. I encourage each person, as with enjoying any good art, to relax and open your mind, your heart and soul to the medicine of the work, and be open to what gifts and insight it has for you. Let it speak to you.

That part is something no one else on the outside can tell you or do for you. It is intricate and personal. Its intuitive and mystical. I enjoy seeing how people develop powerful healing and empowering associations with these creations and how these associations create conscious evolution in the world.

The interplay of symbology and stones begin to elucidate a powerful medicine story the piece and the wearer has within

The interplay of symbology and stones begin to elucidate a powerful medicine story the piece and the wearer has within