If you have passed over the precious gemstone Peridot as an insignificant stone in the past this article may make you think about it again.

It and the diamond are the only two gemstones created out of the fire of molten rock.

They do not form in the Earth’s crust like the other gemstones.

They are brought to the surface by tumultuous earthquakes and even volcanoes.

A stone from outer space

As well, peridot have been found in rare meteorites which were formed 4.5 billion years ago when our Solar System was born.

There are only 61 of these rare meteorites found to date.

In its basic form of Olivine, it has been found in the dust trails of comets and NASA have even detected it on the Moon.

The ancient tribes believed rightly that peridot was ejected by the Earth after an explosion of the sun and hence carry its healing powers.

Peridot is born from geological turbulence to cleanse and teach

Peridot crystals

Peridot is the stone to resolve and cleanse

Peridot has the power to heal our emotional pains and fix matters of the heart.

It can lesson negative emotions such as jealousy, resentment and spite, and the anger associated with them.

Its energies allow us to accept others and their decisions and to let them go.

It allows us to understand that these negative emotions are holding us back and that they stop us from moving forward on our soul’s journey.

It can also help us resolve our own past behaviours and accept them for what they are.

Forgiveness is the peridot’s focus and a sense of humility.

The empowering essence of peridot

Peridot offers the seeker a deeper understanding of how to attain greater happiness and contentedness.

This comes from developing the ability to detach oneself from the immediate and look for a higher, more confident sense of ones’ self.

If you are wearing a piece of handcrafted jewelry that truly recognises and celebrates this truly unique stone, then you will understand what it means to gain a higher guidance and wisdom.

A state of wellbeing not come to by aggression or assertion, but by peace and confidence.