The pyramid is a mystical shape which has been utilized for thousands of years by ancient peoples.

When we think of ‘the pyramids’ we first think of the tomes built by the ancient Egyptians.

However, other cultures also used its form to create temples and other places of worship. These include the Romans, the Greeks, the Nigerians, the Chinese and Koreans.

As well, it has been incorporated into the roof of Hindu temples. It is believed that the power of the pyramid can cleanse the mind, body and spirit of those who pray and mediate beneath its structure.

Its design is a powerful symbol which attracts and redirects healing qualities.

The pyramid in the home

Raising your energy forces and healing power with the pyramid

Raising your powers with the pyramid.

If placed in a room, a pyramid can remove negative energies, revitalizing any living space.

It can then emit a positive rays which harmonize and rejuvenate.

When placed on a table a pyramid will enhance the flow of energy in the room. This has the effect of bringing a sense of joy and fulfilment to those who occupy it.

Placing a pyramid on your desk top will help remove stale air and increase productivity.

Wearing pyramid shaped jewelry

When the pyramid is recreated in handcrafted jewelry it offers the wearer the opportunity to take these powerful forces everywhere they go.

Research has shown that the pyramid has the power to change us for the better.

The four sloping sides harness and refocus positive vibrations, affecting those who are close to it.

It can alter one’s mind, emotions and even physical states of being.

By wearing a pyramid any negative energy which is close to you will be absorbed by the shape.

It will then be harnessed and transmuted into a positive power.

This will help ease any pain or negate the negative energies of people in the room.

The wearer’s mind will feel clearer and their sense of contentment will increase.