The star has been part of creative design for thousands of years.

Appearing at night, these beautiful creations have left humankind bedazzled as they twinkle above.

They have longed been used by mariners and travellers as a navigation tool and astrologers have interpreted them in many different ways.

When you wear a star in a piece of handcrafted silver you are capturing the essence and magic of these celestial bodies.

The symbolism of the star in handcrafted jewelry

The Mullet Star

The Mullet Star

The most popular design is the mullet star.

It has five straight points which represent the rowel of a spur.

It is solid and has been used in heraldry, and Egyptian hieroglyphs and paintings.

The mullet star can have five or six points.

The symbolism of the star in handcrafted jewelry

6 Pointed Star

The Hexagram

The hexagram is a six pointed star created by overlaying two equilateral triangles.

It has been used by religions and other cultures for many years.

In particular, it symbolizes Jewish identity, the Occult, Hinduism and Islam.

The symbolism of the star in handcrafted jewelry

Star of Lakshmi

The Star of Lakshmi

The star of Lakshmi is an intricate and complex star that is formed by two squares.

The squares are set at 45 degree angles, which create and symbolised the eight forms of Ashtalakshmi.

It is the symbol of the goddess, Lakshmi and the wealth she can bestow.

The symbolism of the star in handcrafted jewelry

9 Pointed Star

The Nine Pointed Star

Another complex design, the nine pointed star is created by overlaying three equilateral triangles.

It can be shown as an outline or a solid star.

It is an important symbol in Christianity representing the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit as written in the Epistle to the Galatians.

It may also be seen with the Latin initials of all the fruits written in each point.

The nine pointed star was chosen by the Baha’i Faith; each point representing a messenger of God.


The star has been utilized by creative designers to represent many things.

If you are captivated by the night skies and feel its power, wearing a star can bring vitality and excitement to your day.