Healing Spirit ~ Bear Claw Amulet


This piece is really quite something. Breathtaking. If you need some bear medicine and spirit guidance, this will speak to you,

Bears symbolize introspection and intuition blended with instinct. To both European and Native American Shamanic people, Bear symbolizes awakening the strong force of the unconscious. The strength of bear medicine is the power to restore harmony and balance – to heal. The Bear Spirit is known to many cultures as the Great Healer. Bears are considered the Embodiment of Spiritual Power and Physical Strength. Rarely seen, bears seemingly live as spirits, without a body – visible to the eye only as foot prints in the sand – traces of passing left behind by great mythical beings from the Land of Spirits.

One thing I love about this design is the image of Bear as spirit guide. The winged bear spirit hovers above the power-portal of the green gemstone. Alternating turquoise and emerald surround and seem to “bloom” out of plant like designs in silver. There’s a lot of movement and life in this composition. Then a gorgeous abalone dangling from the center seems to be a celebration of all that is manifested from walking the path of introspection and self-examination.

On the opposite side is the steely blue and bright teal flash of Labradorite in its full glory, perhaps a study of magic and illusion? I don’t know, I just make this stuff. I say, let it speak to you,. There’s so much medicine here. The future owner of this piece wont need me to tell them what the medicine is for them, you will know.

This bear claw comes from a mountain man friend of mine who trades with the Ojibwe people of the north, Minnesota and southern Canada hunting grounds. The pendant is about 3 inches long and neckring is sold separately.  Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or custom inquiries or adjustments. Thank you kindly, Angela Blessing

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