According to yoga practise there are seven chakras from which our bodies emanate energy.

They are often drawn or symbolized as wheels that when aligned, empower our spiritual and physical well-being.

The prana links the chakras. It is an invisible but powerful life force.

Prana is often thought of as a swirling wheel of energy emanating within and throughout the body.

All seven chakras begin at the base of the spine and travel to the crown of the head.

The last three are known as Chakras of Spirit because they are more spiritual in nature.

You can read about the Chakras of Matter here.

In this article we are going to look at the chakras of spirit; the fifth, sixth and seventh chakra, which areas of the body they govern and which gemstones are associated with each one.

The fifth chakra: Vishuddha Understanding and utilizing the chakras of the spirit

The Vishuddha or fifth chakra is located close to the area of the throat.

When open it gives us the power to speak the highest truth. We are able to openly communicate and express ourselves freely.

The fifth chakra covers the neck, thyroid, parathyroid glands, jaws, mouth and tongue.

If this chakra is blocked it affects the balance and flow of the other chakras.

The gemstone associated with it is Lapis Lazuli.

Its blue crystal energy will unblock and add balance to the throat chakra.

The sixth chakra: the Ajna

The sixth chakra, Ajna, is also known as the ‘third eye’ chakra. It is located in the center of one’s forehead between the eyebrows.

It is the center of intuition and psychic abilities.

The gemstone associated with Ajna is turquoise.

Turquoise is a stone for finding wholeness and truth, and communicating and manifesting those qualities

The seventh chakra: the Sahaswara

The Sahaswara or seventh chakra is also called the “thousand petal lotus” chakra.

It is located at the crown of the head.

It is considered to the chakra of enlightenment and if open strengthens our spiritual connection between ourselves, our higher selves and the divine spirit.

It controls how we think and respond to life around us.

The seventh chakra or Sahaswara is associated with violet crystals, especially amethyst.

Within this precious stone lie the universal life force of destiny, inspiration, dreams and magic.